Protein Diet
Many people resort to a protein diet or a protein diet
They strive to reach the ideal body by lowering the percentage of body fat protein diet
Where protein helps to enhance the feeling of satiety, which leads to eating fewer calories, and this is by increasing the amount of protein in the diet and reducing the number of carbohydrates.
A high protein can be followed by eating high-protein foods such as fish, meat in general, dairy, eggs.
and protein-rich vegetables such as spinach and asparagus.
All you need to know about the protein diet – the protein diet
One of the most important steps is to reduce the number of carbohydrates entered from food by reducing baked foods, rice, pasta, and other sources of carbohydrates.
Here are some types of foods that are high in protein:
Meat in general
chicken breast
turkey breast
Beans of all kinds
Nuts and seeds, such as pumpkin seeds.
All kinds of fish
All types of whey (regular whey, isolate whey, hydro whey, slow absorbing casein).
Legumes such as lentils, chickpeas, and oats
Milk and dairy products such as yogurt and yogurt.
Foods that contain high calories such as sweets and soft drinks should also be avoided.
The importance of protein is not only limited to the process of increasing muscle mass or during weight loss, as it performs several other important processes.
the most important of which are:
It supplies the body with the enzymes needed by the body to help maintain hair and skin and aid in the muscle recovery process.
Some proteins are also important and necessary for the production of hormones, as there are 22 amino acids, nine of which can only be obtained from the diet.
as the body does not produce and synthesize them.
Well, what are the potential risks of this diet?
In the long run, a diet that contains only protein may lead to several potential health problems, such as high acid in the kidneys.
It can also expose a person to malnutrition due to not eating enough carbohydrates for the body.
This system can be applied, but over a short period and not for a long period of time.
It is preferable that one meal contains 25-30 g of protein and you must know the sources of protein to know the type of amino acids entered.